Friday, September 21, 2012

The Safest House Made Like a Fortress for Protection From Intruders or Even a Horde of Zombies!


   This Fortress or safe house designed and created in Warsaw, Poland by Robert Konieczny was created with literally the intention of keeping everyone and everything out if need be. No more neighbors creeping into your yard. Forget the kids sneaking out or in either. Impenetrable walls, which open and close on command. The entire home is protected by thick walls which are retractable as well as high security gates and cameras throughout the premises. KWK Promes is Robert Konieczny's architecture studio / firm established in 1999.

You know when a zombie apocalypse finally comes, you will not be safe in your own home. Standard doors and windows, no hide outs, no secret compartments. Sniper watch tower? Nope. Just a normal house like most of us right?

Okay. So if your wondering how you will keep the zombies out when they come for you, here are several amazing features on the market that were probably made with defense and keeping out intruders in mind.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Will Man be the Creator of a Zombie Apocalypse?

When a Zombie Apocalypse occurs, why will it happen? What will be the cause of this threat to humanity?

The human race itself will be responsible for the "rise of the dead" not literally of course, but with some form of disease or virus. Some sort of mind or body altering substance. The zombie movies all show some kind of contaminating exposure to humans which is behind zombie creation and transformation of normal people, into these monsters.

It may not be intentionally done, but sometimes the unexpected is unbelievable. A conflict between countries may allow a test of chemical weapons to be used on a large population of the enemy. The results may be unknown for certain lengths of time. This can easily be something that will spark a population of infected humans. They may be seen as zombies if they are carrying contagious viruses and appear to act "undead" or violently attacking others in wild ways.

Another possibility is that a virus or disease can just evolve out of nature and begin its course onto mankind, a sickness that can transform the mind in such a way that someone may become violent and "hungry" for other humans or live animals.

Cannibals have been recognised in the past as having psychological and mental instability. Most people seem to think these are reasons we can expect a zombie apocalypse to happen. Nobody knows for sure, do they?...